After so many, too many months made of sporadic updates, it is now time to take back the lead of the website. I do apologise for these months of silence but the
blog's afficionados know exactely (or almost) what happened to me and what took me away from my previous webmaster position... Anyway, now, I am -almost- settled down and, from now on, I have the opportunity to provide with plenty of updates, hopefully. To start with, some new pictures (almost 900 pictures of Japan) and, in a near future, some adds for the Japanese section: JLPT is coming!
If you want to see some specific contents, just feel free to use the email or, like all the robots I am continuously fighting, the guest book or some comments on the
Arunosan, 06�N11��05��
©arunosan v2.25- 2002~2025