That is the day where the power usage forecast expect a consumption of 99% of the produced electricity for the 東京 area...
(here is the website -updated everyday and in real-time- where you can see it:
That has actually been the forecast for some time now and with the shutdown of 浜岡, I wonder if the 99% will not turn into 100. Well, 浜岡 ... [Lire]
Following the movie, companies have felt necessary to get social. For example, we now have 2 social networks internal to the company on top of all the ones employees are using on their own. Supposedly helping the employees and make the company run as one...
Nobody is really posting anything interesting or even using the internal ones (confirming that this is a lot of money that could be better allocated somewhere else) but, like pushed by the need to be connected, a lot of employees start wil... [Lire]
Today, I am proud and happy to inform you that this 10th of May 2011 marks a new milestone in our project to save the Japanese and French pension systems as our 杏奈 landed on Earth around 4pm, 東京 time. Despite the size (4Kgs and 51cm) and the total distance covered (東京 - 京都 - 大阪 - Se... [Lire]
The government has decided not to introduce daylight saving time as a way to address the expected electricity shortage this summer, amid worries about the huge costs involved and social confusion, sources close to the matter said Tuesday.
With the nuclear crisis at the radiation-leaking Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant ongoing, the government has been considering implementing such arrangements nationwide as part of energy saving measures during summer when electricity consumption tend... [Lire]
Everything is said on the attached picture that I took in 品川駅 on my way back from the Japanese class.
It has been there for some time but I always forgot to take it to put it here.... [Lire]
Today, it has been exactely one month since the big earthquake occured. As a good(?) reminder, we enjoyed two nice aftershocks separated by maybe 3 hours only. Those (7+ on Richter scale) came after a nice 7.4 on Thursday night that brought me back to what was going on when I left...
At least, in the light of the big 9.0, my trust in Japanese building has been tested and the buildings passed, I can tell you. So, this is definitely an additional comfort when those
Today, I thought I would share with my readers (if any) the following initiative.
A lot of them have recently flourished throughout the country and maybe this diary would be a good place to help them having some visibility. I also believe this is a good way to illustrate what is going on here and the legendary compassion Japanese carry inside them.
To start with what I hope will turn into a collection of ideas on how you (inside Japan mostly) can help, I wanted to mention the initiative th... [Lire]
Water seems to be contaminated in 東京. Or at least, the level of radioactivity has reached twice the acceptable level set by the Japanese authorities for infants... As a result, all the bottled water has gone from the shops within a few hours...
So, let's summarise:
- the nuclear plant is still spitting out radioactivity but it seems fair to consider that Tepco will get it back under control soon (Kyodo news). Does that mean that the breach in the pr... [Lire]
Our trip outside of 関東 started on Wednesday for what should only be a few days in 京都 to see how things were going on before taking further actions.
Preparations started the day before with hunt for diapers in the emptied stores and 新幹線 tickets purchase but the trip started with an unexpected guest. A nice high-fever killing me in the train. Train packed with wiv... [Lire]
Transiting by Songdo, an interesting city... Completely new, completely out of nowhere and trying to hide behind that strange fog...... [Lire]