
Hereafter you'll find some links about any aspect of Japan: music, sport, medias, personal pages etc, etc. Just a starter for all of you who are passionated by this country. By the way, if you find some dead links, please report them to me (through emails, for example) in order me to clean up the database and offer to everyone a really interesting links library. Thanks!


Ambassade du Japon en France - http://www.amb-japon.fr francais nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 65535 votes - 65535 visits
The website of the Japanese embassy in France. More than useful for any Japanese lost (?) in Paris, or French willing to get lost in Japan...


Les yeux fermés - http://www.lesyeuxfermes.com francais

My advice: 4/5 - 2478 votes - 65535 visits
Video Link Japan - Streaming Video Blog From Tokyo - http://www.video-link.com/jpn.htm english

My advice: 4/5 - 2121 votes - 65535 visits
Un videoblog owned by an American living in Japan. Always nice to watch his videos and to read his updates. Unfortunately, there aren't both very frequent...
Sushicam: Photos Blog & Fine Art Prints - http://www.sushicam.com/ english

My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 2072 votes - 65535 visits
A good blog furnished with a lot of pictures and even sometimes videos. The topics are various but always really interesting. I really recommend this site!

My advice: 4/5 - 1836 votes - 65535 visits
A very interesting French blog with many beautiful pictures of Tokyo and its area. A must for those who loves wandering there like me!
La rivière aux canards - http://lariviereauxcanards.com francais

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 4352 votes - 65535 visits
Mariemeia's blog - http://www.u-blog.net/kioku francais

My advice: 3/5 - 2121 votes - 65535 visits
Annuaire des carnets de voyage - http://uniterre.com francais

My advice: 3/5 - 2018 votes - 65535 visits
A website which contains a lot of links to sites where internauts show their trips throughout the World, with pictures or other stuff.

My advice: 3/5 - 2006 votes - 65535 visits
A small site done by a couple who went twice to Fukuoka in order to introduce their friends, what they saw and a few aspects of Japan. Not really a must-to-see...
Watashi to Tokyo | Selections by Mari - http://smt.blogs.com/mari_diary english

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1897 votes - 65535 visits
A blog edited by a Japanese girl, Mari, which invites us to discover Tokyo, and even Japan, from inside, through a Japanese point of view. Very interesting and updated more than frequently...
Le Dernier Exilé - http://dernier-exile.com/ francais

My advice: 3/5 - 1790 votes - 65535 visits
12 jours à Kyoto et Tokyo - http://sakhado.9online.fr/japon.htm francais

My advice: 2/5 - 2118 votes - 65535 visits
Cécile and Philippe invite us to discover (quite briefly), Japan besides, all the places they have been to. Several countries, cities or areas are shown and this could be considered as a tasty starter if you want to go to these places.
Le fabuleux voyage d'Emmeline et Hugues au Japon - http://users.skynet.be/hug_et_em_au_japon/ francais

My advice: 2/5 - 2054 votes - 65535 visits
Emmeline and Hugues, two Belgians, are telling us their trip in Tokyo as researchers in Japanese university. Despite the site is not finished, it is nice to read, at least if you are familiar with French...


France-Japon Net - http://france-japon.net/ francais

My advice: 3/5 - 2053 votes - 65535 visits
The website of an association which tries to introduces the "Japanese way of life" to everybody. Since the change of design, the while website is now a kind of portal where you can register and post messages.
Le Festival de la Francophonie - http://www.francophonie.jp francais english

My advice: 2/5 - Vote : 1900 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 0/5 - 1945 votes - 65535 visits


JetCHAT - Friend - - http://www.jetchat.com nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 1880 votes - 65535 visits


My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 3178 votes - 65535 visits
The Meat Guy - http://www.themeatguy.jp english nihongo

My advice: 4/5 - 1380 votes - 65535 visits
The Meat Guy or anything you need for your barbecue. Delivered extremely quickly to your door and eaten even faster!

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 3095 votes - 65535 visits


OVNI- le journal franco-japonais de Paris - http://www.ilyfunet.com/ovni/ francais nihongo

My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 2232 votes - 65535 visits
The electronic version of the famous free newspapers made by Japanese and French, available throughout Paris in Japanese shops.
MEMO - Le site de l'histoire - http://www.memo.fr/Dossier.asp?ID=147 francais

My advice: 4/5 - 1918 votes - 65535 visits
A good French website, specialised in history whose file on Japan is quite complete. It covers several periods of this country and gives some interesting details. A kind of useful source for those who are needing information or who just want to widen their knowledge on this topic.
The Japan Folk Crafts Museum - http://www.mingeikan.or.jp nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 2880 votes - 65535 visits
La Page de Géo - http://www.chez.com/clone francais english

My advice: 3/5 - 2423 votes - 65535 visits
The homepage of a French student about the Japan's economy and its historcial background. However, the site hasn't been updated for a long while so, values are certainly wrong now (except for history or religions).

My advice: 3/5 - 2077 votes - 65535 visits
A directory of links classified by different Japanese topics. Quite well done, even if the interface is quite weird. However, the content depends directly on the links and dead links are always possible...

My advice: 3/5 - 2071 votes - 65535 visits
Black Ships and Samurai - http://blackshipsandsamurai.com english

My advice: 3/5 - 2060 votes - 65535 visits
On July 8, 1853, residents of feudal Japan beheld an astonishing sight of foreign warships entering their harbor under a cloud of black smoke. Commodore Matthew Perry had arrived to force the long-secluded country to open its doors... This site shows a series of painting telling this story. A must either you are interested in Japanese history or arts...
20 ans passés au Japon - http://perso.wanadoo.fr/childeric.sainti francais

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 2049 votes - 65535 visits
A personal homepage written by a French guy who spend some years there. Some interesting comments (for those who speak French...) but hardly updated...
Chroniques Nippones - http://www.chroniques-nippones.org francais

My advice: 3/5 - 2034 votes - 65535 visits
A good website covering diverses aspects of Japan (cuisine, languages...). But the last update has now been done quite a long time ago....

My advice: 3/5 - 2004 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 1951 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1908 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 1904 votes - 65535 visits
A good site with a lot of contents and links. Despite a not too good interface, this site deserves a visit to get some information about Japan.

My advice: 3/5 - 1894 votes - 65535 visits
Tokyo Disney Resort - http://www.tokyodisneyresort.co.jp english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1763 votes - 65535 visits
La Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris - http://www.mcjp.asso.fr/index.html francais

My advice: 2/5 - 2183 votes - 65535 visits
The official website for the "Maison de la Culture du Japon a Paris" (roughly translated as the Japanese house of culture in Paris) which is located close to the Eiffel Tower. This website mainly introduces the different events hold there. Good if you live in Paris!
Uji city - 宇治市役所 - http://www.city.uji.kyoto.jp/index.php nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 2044 votes - 65535 visits


My advice: 4/5 - 1840 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 2228 votes - 65535 visits
A website where you submit your teacher profile and the students (in French, English, German...) can find you and contact you. Then it is up to you... Quite efficient!

My advice: 3/5 - 2026 votes - 65535 visits
DaiJob / Work in Japan - http://www.daijob.com english nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 2326 votes - 65535 visits

Funny things

My advice: 3/5 - 1915 votes - 65535 visits
The very famous website about all the funny mistakes done by Japanese trying to speak English. Some really deserve a visit!

Going out

My advice: 4/5 - 2244 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 4/5 - 2084 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 1934 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 4/5 - 1801 votes - 65535 visits
Le Petit Tonneau - http://www.petitonneau.com francais nihongo

My advice: 4/5 - 1795 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 4/5 - 1679 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 3077 votes - 65535 visits
Outback Steak House - http://outbacksteakhouse.co.jp/ english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 2288 votes - 65535 visits
Club House Shinjuku - http://www.clubhouse-tokyo.jp english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 2201 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 1971 votes - 65535 visits
Sin City Bar - Aoyama - http://www.ageha.com/sincity/ nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1681 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1674 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 2/5 - 2373 votes - 65535 visits
Rolling Stones Shinjuku (unofficial) - http://raydude.com/stone.html english

My advice: 1/5 - 2105 votes - 65535 visits


Japan AirLines - http://www.jal.com english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1864 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 1770 votes - 65535 visits
Kamakura Tourism Office - http://guide.city.kamakura.kanagawa.jp/ nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1659 votes - 65535 visits
Le Japon pour pas un rond - http://www.geocities.com/yoshinosam francais

My advice: 2/5 - 2214 votes - 65535 visits
A site full of hints for those who can't spend yens and yens... It is well-done and mostly based on pesonal experiences. Really interesting.
Voyageurs au Japon - http://www.voyjapon.com francais

My advice: 2/5 - Vote : 1942 votes - 65535 visits


My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 2185 votes - 65535 visits
Japanese Language School (JLPT) - http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp english

My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 1968 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 2313 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 2036 votes - 65535 visits
Cours de Francais de la NHK - http://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/upload/french.html francais english

My advice: 3/5 - 1935 votes - 65535 visits
Japanese On-Line - http://www.japanese-online.com english

My advice: 3/5 - 1888 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 1882 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 2/5 - 1995 votes - 65535 visits


Metropolis Tokyo :: Japan's No.1 English Magazine - http://metropolis.japantoday.com/Default.asp english

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 2137 votes - 65535 visits
As its title indicates, a complete magazine about Japan on numerous aspects.
Mainichi Daily News - http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/ english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 2019 votes - 65535 visits
A daily newspaper translated from Japanese version (available too) to English. Quite complete despite it mainly focuses on current events.

My advice: 3/5 - 1914 votes - 65535 visits
The Japan Times - http://www.japantimes.co.jp english

My advice: 3/5 - 1794 votes - 65535 visits
NHK : Radio Japan Online - http://www.nhk.or.jp/rj/index_e.html english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1772 votes - 65535 visits
The NHK program normally broadcasted in short waves is available on this page. That is a good opportunity to improve your skills in Japanese. In more, main news in several languages (French, English, German, Japanese...) are also available.

My advice: 2/5 - 1853 votes - 65535 visits


Sly Mangroove - http://www.locarno.co.jp/ english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 2614 votes - 65535 visits
Hirai Ken official website - http://www.pinups.co.jp/hirai/index_f.html english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 2059 votes - 65535 visits
Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra official website - http://www.skapara.net/ english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1955 votes - 65535 visits
B'z official website - http://bz-vermillion.com/ nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1951 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1787 votes - 65535 visits
Glay official website - http://www.glay.co.jp nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1748 votes - 65535 visits
Ayumi Hamasaki official website - http://www.avexnet.or.jp/ayu/ nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 2039 votes - 65535 visits
Garnet Crow official website - http://www.garnetcrow.com nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 1979 votes - 65535 visits
Paradoxical Reality - http://www.paradoxical-reality.com english

My advice: 2/5 - 1966 votes - 65535 visits
hide with Spread Beaver official website - http://www3.live.co.jp/hide english nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 1928 votes - 65535 visits
The official website of hide with Spread Beaver. However, the website is no longer updated and no contents but a small (and nostalgic) animations are available.
Thee Michelle Gun Elephant - http://www.universal-music.co.jp/tmge/ nihongo

My advice: 2/5 - 1812 votes - 65535 visits


My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 1928 votes - 65535 visits
A very aesthetic website about diverse aspects of Japan as the author lived them when he was there. Nice to visit sometimes, even if it hasn't been updated since quite a while...
Paris, pas elegant? - http://teiichi.free.fr/paris francais english

My advice: 3/5 - 2114 votes - 65535 visits
This site remembers the bad memories of a Japanese guy who spent one year in Paris. He just wrote the bad things he discovered in Paris. That could be useful for any Japanese interested in coming to Paris, or for French, in order to correct ourselves...


My advice: 3/5 - 2209 votes - 65535 visits
Réseau d'Email Francais-Japonais : REFJ - http://rose.ruru.ne.jp/multiplication/m-net-f.html francais nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 2112 votes - 65535 visits
Japanese Pen Pals From Japan-Guide - http://japan-guide.com/penfriend/index_e.php english

My advice: 3/5 - 1972 votes - 65535 visits

Pictures - Videos

My advice: 5/5 - Vote : 2022 votes - 65535 visits
A website whose video contents is simply incredible. The owner is shooting a lot of things from a night city tour to interviews of famous companies CEO. You can spend hours watching it in high quality and, top of the tops, for free. A big applause for the owner who deserves it. Definitely.
Norihiro Seki Photo Walking Website - http://www.nsphoto.jp nihongo

My advice: 4/5 - Vote : 1993 votes - 65535 visits
A very good website with plenty of pictures (most in black and white) taken by Norihiro Seki during promenades in Kyôto or Tôkyô. You can even discover some of them in the pictures section because I didn't resist to add them to my website.
Japan Photo Gallery - W. Dire Wolff - http://www.wdirewolff.com/japangallery.htm english

My advice: 3/5 - 1964 votes - 65535 visits
A good site full of pictures on everything about Japan (and particularly Tokyo) and some personal comments on Japanese typical aspects.
Peter MacIntosh - Geisha photography, Kyoto... - http://www.petermacintosh.com/gallery.html english

My advice: 3/5 - 1930 votes - 65535 visits
A site owned by an American living in Kyoto and who has, little by little entered the secret life of geishas. So, some very rare and precious pictures about this particular world.
La page de Yoda - http://yoda.zoy.org francais english

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1780 votes - 65535 visits
A very good site made by Olivier full of beautiful pictures (from Japan and other places throughout the World). Some of the Japanese are also available on this website because Olivier nicely accepted me to use them...


Le Japon.org - http://lejapon.org francais

My advice: 4/5 - 2026 votes - 65535 visits
A very complete portal on Japan (TV, Japanese, news...) with a lot of members I can only recommend to you!! However, the updates only depend on the members so it could be variable...

My advice: 4/5 - 1905 votes - 65535 visits
Un good website, including pictures, links, advices and a blog, made by a French guy. The interface is nice and a kind of invitation to discover his World and his Japan.
Japan Travel and Living Guide - http://japan-guide.com/ english

My advice: 3/5 - 1933 votes - 65535 visits
A very complete (official?) website about travelling in Japan and living there: Plenty of useful informations about tourist's spots, way to go there or what to do in Japan. A kind of must-to-see before flying to Japan!
f * c k e d g a i j i n - http://www.fuckedgaijin.com english

My advice: 3/5 - 1868 votes - 65535 visits
A forum about many topics (all related to Japan) where gaijins (mostly Americans) and locals exchange points of view on all aspects of the Japanese society, news, movie, music... Very interesting spot for those who wants to have up-to-date information from Japan!

My advice: 2/5 - Vote : 1970 votes - 65535 visits


My advice: 3/5 - 1758 votes - 65535 visits
NJStar is a very easy way to turn your Windows into Japanese just by adding a small software which allows to type and read Japanese throughout your Windows. Very useful!

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1684 votes - 65535 visits


YC&AC Rugby Football Club - http://ycacrugby.com english

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 2162 votes - 65535 visits
The official website for the YC&AC Rugby section where you can find all the informations related to the club
All Jin Jan Rugby Club - http://www.ne.jp/asahi/tokyo/ajj/ english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1870 votes - 65535 visits
The All Jin Jan Rugby Football Club homepage. We find there all the mandatory information about the club such as the results, the schedule or the team presentation. Moreover, this is kept really up to date... What else?
Japan Rugby Football Union - http://www.rugby-japan.jp english nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - Vote : 1767 votes - 65535 visits
The official website for the Japanese Rugby Football Union. Quite complete for the Japanese readers. We can't unfortunately say the same for the English version...
Top League official website - http://www.top-league.jp nihongo

My advice: 3/5 - 1764 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 1724 votes - 65535 visits
The website for Suzuku Sports brand. They are specialised in rugby stuff. The quality is good, the staff very nice (for the shop -Yoyogi- I went to) and they have a good choice. A good place, then!


My advice: 4/5 - 3034 votes - 65535 visits
Four different webcams installed in a sushi bar by the bartender... Really nice to see him preparing everything and even, sometimes replying to the messages we wrote on the site. A kind of must for its originality!
Joetsu Sakura camera - http://www.joetsu.ne.jp/sakura/live/ nihongo

My advice: 4/5 - 1994 votes - 65535 visits
Four webcams installed on different spots to make visitors enjoy seeing sakura... This works perfectly and really recommend a view when the sun is shining!

My advice: 4/5 - 1984 votes - 65535 visits

My advice: 3/5 - 2097 votes - 65535 visits
A directory of worldwide webcams (most of them are in Japan). Nice if you have a good connection (and patience sometimes)...

My advice: 3/5 - 1802 votes - 65535 visits

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