July 2005

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  • Mon. Jul, 4 2005

Mon. Jul, 4 2005So, we are finally back from Roskilde even we left as late as we could... I arrived home this morning at 5AM after having given the last drops or energy on the Tokyo Ska Paradise orchestra's concert. Fortunately it was worth it (who ever doubted that?) and even if the day is quite sleeping today I am really happy to have spent 4 days in Denmark enjoying myself with the others. I even found Amanda and Nicklas from the Lugi klubb there!
Some of the best memories:
- the "apero" at 10:20am under our neighbours astonished eyes
- taking naps wherever under the bright sky of Roskilde
- the カレー at Karaage restaurant (that remembered me some nights, or mornings I should say, in しんじゅく新宿)
- the "The Go Team!" 's new song sung by the かわいい可愛い drummer (I love you!!)
- The Bloc Party singer avoiding a furtive bra thrown at him...
- the Clément's short
- The Raveonettes' concert. Not for the music (which didn't fit at all a big place as Arena stage) but for the three girls who surprised me by grabbing my ass in the same time (a kind of exceptional sensation!)
- the Vandamme Camp in the camping area...
- Clément sleeping on the beers half outside from the tent...
- the unknown guitar player that I have been the only one to hear it on Sunday morning until 7am.
- the first time ever I shared a (cold) shower with 5 girls (an other exceptional sensation!)
- being hugged by the "opening hostesses" in their sexy-flashy suits.

And so many more... Unfortunately, that's now over. Fortunately, tomorrow is the Big One in Malmö Some more hours of music and kind of holidays. However I think it will be quite hard... I envy Mathieu to be able to sleep tomorrow morning until late... 

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