January 2007

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  • Sun. Jan, 21st 2007

Sun. Jan, 21<sup>st</sup> 2007¡T––‚Í–Ê”’‚¢‚́F¡“úA—ûK‚ɍs‚Á‚Ä—ˆ‚½B¡AŒ¨‚Í’É‚¢‚ªAŠç‚ʼnö‰ä‚ªE‚邯‚ǁA‹CŽ‚¿‚¢‚¢Bð“úA‘|œ‚µ‚½‚èAŽMô‚Á‚½‚èAô‘󂵂܂µ‚½BŒãA—LŠy’¬‚ÌBIC@CAMERA‚ɍs‚Á‚½BƒeƒŒƒr‚𔃂¢‚Ü‚µ‚½Iƒ\ƒj[‚Ì‚Q‚UŒ^‚Å‚·BŠy‚µ‚»‚¤II—ˆT‚Ì“Í‚¯‚ð‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚éc

The big news this week-end is that I won't be watching DVD over and over before sleeping every night... How? A quick glance at the picture and you'll understand. You don't? That's very easy, though... Yes, I have bought my TV. Finally, after almost 6 months in this flat. So, this Saturday, I decided to spend a couple of hours at —LŠy’¬. At BicCamera, more precisely. That was the first time I spent my Saturday is this over-noisy shop (whoever went there once will remember the "Bic Bic Bic Bic Camera") and I realised something: the Saturday is the day for all the Japanese girls and their mother (in law?) to furnish their flat. Incredible... And during that time, fathers, husbands, brothers are standing in front of the TV. So, yesterday, they were maybe 5 in front of the Ice Age 2 during one hour. Actually, maybe more but one hour is the time I needed to choose the appropriate TV. And my choice went to Sony. A 26 inches to put in the bedroom for Saturday mornings, laying in bed in front of TV... I mean, if there is no testing on that day.

And now, a quick overview of some of the shows I'll be able to see from next week, when they will deliver it...

Funny Japanese show
Japanese ski resort prank
Japanese taxi prank
Crazy Japanese TV show

(Wed. Jan, 24 2007 14:37)

The song never left my head, since 2004 and the first time I stepped in one of their shop, In a’J if I remember well...

Now, if immature you are, you are definitely the sophisticated kind! ;)

Arunosan [http://arunosan.free.fr]

(Wed. Jan, 24 2007 00:23)

Did you manage to get rid of that song out of your head? Lots of crazy shows in Japan. Good illustration on how MATURE we are... ;)


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