August 2007

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  • ‚¨”æ‚ê—l
  • Fri. Aug, 24 2007

Fri. Aug, 24 2007I finally ended this long and exhausting week that made me see not much but work and bed... The guys from the company acquired earlier this year decided to organise a ˆù‚݉ï at LF Cafe in ŒÕƒm–å. The problem was that they made it Japanese time: starting at 7:15pm. Of course, most of the French were late (I went back from client meeting at 7:40pm) but the night was nice and gave a real opportunity to discuss with some of them. It also confirmed that the Irish and kiwi in this team would be part of the early expeditions for rugby watching from September 7th. Also a bet plan in the scope. Make me think that September already appears to be busy!

However, the biggest event of the day is that my visa renewal. And that, for 3 years! I am now ok until 2010 (good, that's the first limit I set when I arrived in Japan: 5 years in Japan and then see on what will be next: Japan or somewhere else and, most important, to do what?). So, I have my visa until 2010 and also the multiple re-entry. That finally cost me 6,000+4,000=10,000‰~ and two mornings. Quite glad I won't have to do it before a while. However, I'll have to sacrify an other morning (probably 2) to go to the ‹æ–ðŠ to renew my ŠOl card. Within 14 days. And then, I'll be done. Which is quite a good and quite unexpected thing! (I asked 3 years but didn't think they would agree). 

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