August 2007

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  • k‚¦‚éT
  • Sun. Aug, 19 2007

Sun. Aug, 19 2007This week was a special one. For, so many things happened. Some unusual and kind of scary, some unexpected, some usual, some new, some common...
The scariest one was the number of earthquakes. We got quite a lot of 5+ this week like the one that woke me up on Thursday morning (with a big replica at work) or the one yesterday. We didn't have for a while but this week, we caught up. Let's hope we got the share for the next months as well. No damage nor problem (especially when we compare with the one in VŠƒ a month ago) but still it makes you think that you are in constant danger here. However, it doesn't change your habits. For example, this week was a 65 hours week, with many different matters and fortunately, not too much problems. It also gave me the "chance" to dive into FIX world.

But the breaking news arrived on Thursday (a few hours after the earthquake) when our Managing Director told me that he had a new position to offer me. He explained. I listened. And since, I have been thinking of it. Moving closer to the business is interesting, for sure. Now, when I look back at the team and what will come after, I know it is simply impossible. And even the definition of the position might endanger the team by getting the teammates bored faster: I'll do the most interesting part of the current job but for all the clients. Which means, they won't have this anymore. So, I have been thinking hard, writing a lot, making my mind and I came up with 5 pages of all the implications of me taking the position (as well as what I want to do with it, and how). Tomorrow, I'll handle it to the big boss and I expect some discussions soon. I wonder what will happen because the position is good for me and my career but this is much more complicated than what they (business development team) thought. I believe they didn't realise the impact for the Client Services team and didn't prepare adequate actions.

We'll see maybe Tuesday even because Monday is a special day. After a 2 days work week-end (always nice!), there are 2 go-live on Monday (one for my client and the other one for a client on which I am a backup). Therefore, I have to be at the client office at 7:00AM. Nice! They ruined my week-end and don't even allow me to come later on Monday. Instead, we'll party on Monday night to celebrate the end of the migration... I believe that Tuesday morning will be tough starting at 7:30am... Certainly less than 5hours of sleep but it is not like I am not used to now... For instance, this week, I only slept 4hours per night... Ahh, I think I need some party and rest. For the party, something is planned with the client tomorrow and internally on Friday, in ŒÕƒm–å for some Beer Garden. Good. I wish I'll be able to move away from “Œ‹ž next week-end. However, to do so, I'll have a couple of migration to perform at client sites because of some changes in Korean exchanges... I need to fly somewhere, definitely. Meanwhile, I'll go to bed because tomorrow, the week will start at 5am...

But it will only be after the starting migration of the videos of this website to YouTube. Yes, YouTube will be more and more present throughout this website. The integration is now done (a few changes in the code this afternoon) and putting videos in the website will now be a piece of cake. That should help putting more and more! We'll see. At least, it gave me some chances to remove the dust from the top of my Arunosan project! As a proof of concept, the following clip of the song I have in my head all the day all the time lately (In Québecois: "Tabernac', kesk'j'laime cte toune"). Maybe I should listen to it more carefully...


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