November 2004

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  • JLPT
  • Wed. Nov, 3rd 2004

Wed. Nov, 3<sup>rd</sup> 2004So, now, it seems that my diary has to be in English for everyone's better understanding...
Anyway, I have to admit (and apologise for) that no major update will be performed on the website these coming weeks, because I dived deeply into Japanese studies. For, the JLPT will be hold in Paris, on December 5th. And because my level has become so weak, I just have to work hardly and dedicate almost all my free times on working. That is even more true that Mathieu will arrive next Wednesday for a 4days week-end which wouldn't give me too much time... But I won't complain!
Still to explain my lack of time, this week-end, I'll reach Stockholm for our Alexandre's brthday party. Once again, a good-and-exhausting week-end! But, it worthes it, for sure! And you'll certainly see that by yourself with all the pictures I'll take!
See you and work your Japanese, JLPT is coming!! 

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