June 2005

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  • Roskilde Festival 2005
  • Thu. Jun, 30 2005

Thu. Jun, 30 2005Now Mathieu has arrived and we have filled up the cars with food, tents and sleeping bags, we are ready to go to Roskilde, Denmark for 4 days of music, camping and a lot of good memories, for sure! As part of the programme: Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Bloc Party, The Go Team!, Kent, The Others and plenty of others... Good moments in sight!!... [Read]

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  • Arunosan 2.2
  • Wed. Jun, 29 2005

So finally, here I am, I have finished to update the website. At least for what I can do at home... These last days (except for Midsommar week-end which was mainly used to recover from the match against Helsingborg as well as Saturday night, at KB) were mostly the same: solving a specific problem at work, finding (at least searching until now) a job in Japan for October ant computing the release 2.2 of the website once arrived at home...
Anyway, I am glad to see the Japanese interface. In more,... [Read]

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  • Midsommarafton
  • Fri. Jun, 24 2005

Whereas Swedes are celebrating Midsommar around the traditional tree and enjoy this great Swedish event, we have just taken advantage of desert beach at Falsterbo with Benoit, Cédric, Camilla, Michael her brother and Nina, her friend. Alone on the beach, we didn't enjoy watching all the folklore of such a day in Sweden. Moreover, the first drops of a rain (that never really fell) incitated us to come back to Malmö. Certainly for our sake because we arrived in town just before the sho... [Read]

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  • Last match of series
  • Thu. Jun, 23rd 2005

Thu. Jun, 23<sup>rd</sup> 2005In order to start the midsommar week-end, we received Helsingborg at Lund for the last match of this sad series (filled with postponed matches, missing players and so on). It started badly as the fitness club squatted half of the field until 8pm (8:15 would be more correct, I think). But that turned really bad when we noticed that Helsingborg team was mainly made of Malm? players (and not the worst of them)... As a result, a big defeat mainly marked by a non fair-play spirit coming from our oppo... [Read]

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  • Ronneby - Lugi, act 2
  • Sat. Jun, 4 2005

Sat. Jun, 4 2005
The match by Sam:
The return match against Ronneby was a lot closer than the away match Lugi played against the same team some weeks ago. With the wind in their backs Lugi was able to use it to their advantade and score some good "kick and run" tries in the first half, leading at one stage in the first half 19 - 10. The big Ronneby backs and third row combined well to score tries and left the score at half-time 19 - 22 in Ronneby's favour. After half time Lugi could not use the previous ta... [Read]

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  • To smoke or not to smoke
  • Wed. Jun, 1st 2005

Wed. Jun, 1<sup>st</sup> 2005So, today is the beginning of a new era in Sweden. For smokers and non-smokers. A really difficult period for tobacco-addicted indeed. The Swedish gouvernment has decided to ban the smokers from all the public places. No more tobacco in pubs, clubs and so on. The only place where you'll be allowed to smoke now is outside. So, the Swedish gouvernment has been clever enough to start this law on June, 1st instead of December. Nobody would have accepted getting frozen outside to consume his nicotin.... [Read]

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