November 2004

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  • Snow driving and cops
  • Mon. Nov, 22nd 2004

Two unusual things happened to me this day:
I already talked about the fun of driving on the snow last week. But that was nothing compared to what I have to do on this monday...
This time, the snow was 10 centimeters high (especially on the way between Malm? and Sturup) and, for instance, I think I was the only one still with my summard?ck (no translation needed, I think you perfectly understood me, aren't you?). So, this monday has been the first day in this coming winter where I had to use the handbrake to negociate sharp corners... Always big time!
Anyway, beyond the fun, there is law (you certainly won't understand the sentence the same way depending on where you are from) and it only remains one week for me to change the tires!! I really have to move myself in the morning and lose my way (like everytimes I went there to change my tyres) in order to be OK with the police. Even if, here, what the policemen are the most afraid about French people in a car is alcoholism... -When we see locals leaving pubs crawling on the pavement at 10PM, we are quite surprised, but maybe that's OK because they can't reach their cars...-
And the cops are also part of the my second extraordinary event of the day (yes, I know I have a very exciting life this days). For, when I went back home at 4PM (yes, the latest timeslot for laundry is 4-8PM here in Sweden), there wasn't any snow but police... Precisely, on the opposite sidewalk of mine, a guy was under arrest. I strictly have no idea of what he did but one thing is sure, he is definitely not clever: I am just living 20m from the biggest (or, at least, one of the biggest) police station in Malm?. However, to arrest the guy, policemen used their big van for the 15m which separated the delinquent from their offices... I was quite surprised to see them blocking almost all the road with their big flashy vehicle for approximately 40 minutes whereas they just have to ask the guy to walk for 1,5 minute (OK, it was cold ourside, but)... I guess it was part of the police procedure for arresting people. 

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