June 2005

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  • Last match of series
  • Thu. Jun, 23rd 2005

Thu. Jun, 23<sup>rd</sup> 2005In order to start the midsommar week-end, we received Helsingborg at Lund for the last match of this sad series (filled with postponed matches, missing players and so on). It started badly as the fitness club squatted half of the field until 8pm (8:15 would be more correct, I think). But that turned really bad when we noticed that Helsingborg team was mainly made of Malm? players (and not the worst of them)... As a result, a big defeat mainly marked by a non fair-play spirit coming from our opponents. A bit surprising for a team supposedly coming from Helsingborg whose players mainly came from Malm? (where the level is obviously higher than us)...
Whatever! It made me play against Michael, the Camilla's brother and also score some more points this season (total of 24 now) In more, despite we said good-bye to Tobias, some players remained at the club house until late at night to discuss and make fun of Nina, desperating of not having been able to talk with Michael on that day... Ahhh, young hearts! 

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