November 2004

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  • David's housewarming party
  • Fri. Nov, 26 2004

Now he has finished to bring all his furnitures from France, David hold his housewarming party and that was a good party. Everything started at 8PM with all the usual guests and Ula, a long time friend of David's. We stayed singing, talking and playing with the 200 CD rack until 2AM when we decided to end this party at Slagthuset with almost everyone. But, only Ula and Clement followed me until the end. Has the drag queen who came with me on the podium scared all the other ones? I don't know, bu... [Read]

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  • Snow driving and cops
  • Mon. Nov, 22nd 2004

Two unusual things happened to me this day:
I already talked about the fun of driving on the snow last week. But that was nothing compared to what I have to do on this monday...
This time, the snow was 10 centimeters high (especially on the way between Malm? and Sturup) and, for instance, I think I was the only one still with my summard?ck (no translation needed, I think you perfectly understood me, aren't you?). So, this monday has been the first day in this coming winter where I had to use t... [Read]

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  • And now, the reward
  • Sat. Nov, 20 2004

Sat. Nov, 20 2004Despite we already celebrated this unbeaten league by a wonderful French dinner and a very nice afternoon in September, we were still waiting for the official announcement of our national title.
So today, we are all invited to go to the club to get our award: our gold medal... But before that, we are also invited to watch the match between France and Argentina. Well, I won't speak about the poor performance of my national team and will talk about the nicest part of the day... So, as I said, we ... [Read]

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  • Tombe la neige...
  • Thu. Nov, 18 2004

No, I won't write down the lyrics of this famous song from Salvadore Adamo (you know, this Belgian singer very well-known in the French yé-yé period) but just to say that snow is back again in Malmö...
So, because I am French and not Swedish, I was among the only ones on the road (certainly turks and irakians...) not to be equipped with my winterd?ck (winter tyres). So, I have been able to enjoy (definitely, yes!) a kind of Colin McRae way of driving but with no joypad!
Ahhh... [Read]

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  • He's back
  • Thu. Nov, 11 2004

Thu. Nov, 11 2004As planned, our national Mathieu, the 1st has arrived in Malm? for a 4days-long week-end...
Today, we have decided to remain calm in order to be in the best shape ever for the week-end and its two nights: Panora, Slagthuset and Jeriko are simply waiting for us... So, after a quick break at home (Mathieu is sleeping on my so-good sofa), we'll meet C?dric, Camilla and Cl?ment at Mollan for a good dinner. A good dinner which lasts until 1:30AM where we remembered good memories and also talked abou... [Read]

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  • Back to Stockholm, part 2
  • Sat. Nov, 6 2004

Sat. Nov, 6 2004Coming back home at 10AM, Nico and I tried finding opened shops to buy foods for the breakfast, in order to awake our host the best way we could. However, we simply forgot that this 5th of November was a national day here, in Sweden (for a reason we still ignore), so, everything was closed. Fortunately, we found a coop and bought some foods directly escaped from the bakery oven...
So we arrived home and discovered a sleeping Alex, quite happy to smell our presents. A quick breakfast was improvi... [Read]

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  • Back to Stockholm
  • Fri. Nov, 5 2004

Fri. Nov, 5 2004Even if I have already been there twice for job, I don't really know Stockholm; A wonderful road-trip of 2 hours trying to find the way to my hotel offered me the opportunity to visit (maybe sightsee is a best word) it a little bit but that was all. So, this time, it was said that I would visit Stockholm, almost like a tourist. Almost...
For, we left our lovely city of Malm? to reach Stockholm for a particuliar -and good- reason: the 25th birthday of Alex... So, I went there with Mat... [Read]

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  • JLPT
  • Wed. Nov, 3rd 2004

Wed. Nov, 3<sup>rd</sup> 2004So, now, it seems that my diary has to be in English for everyone's better understanding...
Anyway, I have to admit (and apologise for) that no major update will be performed on the website these coming weeks, because I dived deeply into Japanese studies. For, the JLPT will be hold in Paris, on December 5th. And because my level has become so weak, I just have to work hardly and dedicate almost all my free times on working. That is even more true that Mathieu will arrive next Wednesd... [Read]

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