March 2005

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  • Leaving (and omiyage still...)
  • Tue. Mar, 15 2005

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  • Omiyage
  • Mon. Mar, 14 2005

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  • Rest...
  • Sun. Mar, 13 2005

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  • Culture, rugby and rock'n'roll
  • Sat. Mar, 12 2005

Sat. Mar, 12 2005... [Read]

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  • Sad rain but hot night
  • Fri. Mar, 11 2005

Fri. Mar, 11 2005... [Read]

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  • Roppongi, here I am
  • Thu. Mar, 10 2005

Thu. Mar, 10 2005... [Read]

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  • The last straight line
  • Wed. Mar, 9 2005

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  • Upset in Hiroshima
  • Tue. Mar, 8 2005

Tue. Mar, 8 2005A few hours after having gone to bed, I hardly awoke to reach the きょうと京都 central station in order to get my しんかんせん新幹線
heading to ひろしま広島 for a day tour there. Rendez-vous was also set with Ayako and her schoolmate "Chii". After the traditional nap in the train (helped by a sma... [Read]

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  • Shrines in Ise
  • Mon. Mar, 7 2005

Mon. Mar, 7 2005... [Read]

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  • Kyoto with Makoto and Kaori
  • Sun. Mar, 6 2005

Sun. Mar, 6 2005... [Read]

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  • Uji
  • Sat. Mar, 5 2005

Sat. Mar, 5 2005... [Read]

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  • Life in Kyoto
  • Fri. Mar, 4 2005

Fri. Mar, 4 2005As planned since a long time, this Friday was booked to visit Western きょうと京都 with Yukiko, the guide who made me visit なら奈良 last year. This year, she agreed on making me visit the Western きょうと京都 as she is student there and Friday was a day off. So, we planned to visit quite numerous spots and spend all the day to... [Read]

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  • Osaka
  • Thu. Mar, 3rd 2005

Thu. Mar, 3<sup>rd</sup> 2005Makoto and Kaori being at work, I decided to go to おおさか大阪 for a small journey in order to visit this city where I didn't stop last year (I only went through twice with しんかんせん新幹線). However, my hosts, on the day before, proposed to help me preparing this tour by calling Sanae-san, a friend of them, in order to get a little list of the interestin... [Read]

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  • Hikari Shinkansen
  • Wed. Mar, 2nd 2005

Wed. Mar, 2<sup>nd</sup> 2005As any day dedicated to transfert, this day is not particularly noticeable.
Once the check-out completed and some 100えん coins spent on Internet station at the hotel, I headed to とうきょう東京 JR station to catch the first しんかんせん新幹線 bound for Kyoto I could. After a good sweaty promenade in Read]

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  • Higher view
  • Tue. Mar, 1st 2005

Tue. Mar, 1<sup>st</sup> 2005Thanks to the long and healthy night I had the day before (eating sushis didn't last eternally: they were delicious), March 1st was a very interesting day. It started with the definition of the day's objectives, i.e. exchanging the JR Railpass (for the day after) and finding the Japanese rugby union shirt. These two aims set, the best place to achieve the mission appeared to be しんじゅく新宿, especially with Times Square shoppin... [Read]

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