September 2005

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  • Unpacking
  • Fri. Sep, 30 2005

Fri. Sep, 30 2005After some days of cleaning in Malmö, a very nice travel on Air France business class between Copenhagen and Paris, I am finally at my parents' place. It is now time to unpack all the stuff I brought back. Not really much more than what I brought from France to Sweden but it is never easy to deal with 120 kilograms of clothes, papers, computer and other interesting things. So, now, for the last 3 days, I didn't do anything but unpacking, sorting out, trashing... Quite interesting! Fortunate... [Read]

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  • Leaving Sweden
  • Tue. Sep, 27 2005

Here it is... These 25 months in Malmö are now over. 25 months of fun, discovering new people, try to understand Swedes and their way of life (and realise how French I was and I am still...) or cooking every week-ends for the biggest pleasure of the guests...
Impossible to forget all the guys (and girls) there and all the time we spent together, trying fixing bugs, calm down ourselves after a gentle visit by the customer (as gentle as they could be...), playing/watching/talking about rugby... [Read]

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  • Last day
  • Fri. Sep, 23rd 2005

So today is my last day at work, here, in Sweden...
Actually, it was not even a complete day but the half. For, thanks to the remaining holidays and the night of work on Tuesday, I could "only" work half a day today. Not even a day and, I have to admit, not even work. It was more a matter of cleaning the place and prepare the legacy. It was also an opportunity to say good bye to everybody, even if more things than planned needed to be achieved. As a matter of fact, I left work the last at 7pm. ... [Read]

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  • Two weeks to go
  • Tue. Sep, 13 2005

Long time since the last time I have been at home before 8pm. I can't even remember that. But that was a busy day (at least not by the time spent at work: "only" 11h compared to the 15 I got used to stay these last weeks), especially because it was the day after a very physical training... So, on one hand, I didn't stay too long but I have been in a very productive documentation writting (I couldn't move anywhere from my desk...).
But I am not here to speak about the job... In fact, on my way b... [Read]

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