Today I have maybe found something in myself that could allow me to earn some precious money in the coming weeks. For, as my schedule allowed it, I decided to come with Mika at her French class, in order to see how it does look and maybe make a special class, as I supposed the pupils are not used to speak with a native speaker.
As good thing never comes alone, the course was scheduled at 2h45pm. So, that would allow me to wake up a bit late (to recover from the past days) and also to use some time to clean up my place (a bit messy since Sunday). So, I maybe needed one hour to clean everything and, when I left, I saw that it seemed that somebody in the building still hasn't understand how the garbage thing is working... So, I took the paper left by the landlord (a new one, in English, this time) and headed to the station to take the ‘åˆä’¬ü to ’†‰›—ÑŠÔü to finally reach “ì’¬“c. A bit late but warmly welcomed, my status changed from simple spectator to teacher as soon as I crossed the door. For, the teacher asked me to introduce myself and then, try to organise a course. Mmm, “‚¢! Especially because I didn't prepare anything and also because that was the first time ever in my life that I was giving a language course... A new experience but which, finally, is quite like those many English presentations we did at ESIEE. Even easier as all we say is in French! With the time being (as I stood on the blackboard for one hour), I began to have a kind of self-confidence in the role-playing and even try to explain a few things in Japanese. Fortunately, the teacher was still there to support my Japanese and was more than a precious help. In a word, that was really interesting! And I am quite sure that I'll do it again; as soon as the teacher will be alright with that, I think I'll pop up there, until I start working somewhere. Meanwhile, I'll maybe start giving some French course in order to make some money and refund my bank account, severely hurt last Sunday, after the victory on South Africa....
But, I am a bit hesitating because I wonder if I will have time to do so as some new interesting contacts have appeared thanks to my brother's manager (I used to have worked with, once). So, I'll try to contact the adequate person in the headquarters, here, in “Œ‹ž and I have to admit that it would be very nice to work for this Canadian company again! But, we'll see that in the coming days. Anyway, you'll know everything as I'll keep informed of that. ‚à‚¿‚ë‚ñ!