My pictures

In this page, you will find a lot of photos we have taken during parties, events we organised or any other things we took part in. Of course, the most sensible pictures have been removed in order not to traumatize the youngest... Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them!
Holidays in Lacanau - 6 pictures
Cheb's 20th birthday - 6 pictures
Ski 2002 : Skiing times - 8 pictures
Ski 2002 : Easy life at mountains - 9 pictures
Raclette at Brivou's place - 10 pictures
Aki's housewarming party - 7 pictures
Happy Hours' end dinner - 11 pictures
New BDE installation's party - 13 pictures
ESIEE and ESIG party at Fort Manoir - 19 pictures
ESIEE Trophy 2002 - 12 pictures
Holidays in Oléron : at home - 12 pictures
Holidays in Oléron : the beach - 13 pictures
Mélanie et Jérémie get married - 21 pictures
ESIEE Trophy 2003 - 15 pictures
The reward : the diploma - 19 pictures
Griffith Park, Los Angeles - 11 pictures
New Year's Eve in Las Vegas - 40 pictures
France 2007: Tourists in Paris - 22 pictures
France 2007: Touristes en Corrèze - 30 pictures
France 2007: Le Chateau de Versailles - 39 pictures

©arunosan v2.25- 2002~2025