Japan today

Introduction :

At present, Japan and the Japanese are considered as very strange people : They take photographs wherever they are, draw very violent and sexual "�Mangas�" which traumatise our children, or don't eat with any cutlery... A French Prime Minister even said they were like ants, who didn't do anything except work and work again... Fortunately, these stereotypes are totally mistaken. In fact, these preconceived ideas are coming from a lack of knowledge and understanding of this very specific and developed culture and civilisation, like no other in the world, based on ten thousand years of a history unique in the world. This specificity is mainly due to its geographic isolation which makes people call Japan the Great-Britain of Asia. So, if you try to discover this culture and to understand this very particular and very interesting people, you will be astonished to see that the reality is very far from all these prejudices. Unfortunately, too few people don't believe these hearsays and dare to take the first step. So, I will help you to take it, hoping you will change your ideas about Japan, like I hope everybody will.

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