X Japan

Crucify my love

In all the years they were together, X only released three major albums. But quality does not imply quantity... In fact, X Japan is more an ensemble of great artists than a single unified group�; throughout the years, each of the members, when they had some free time, concentrated on their solo careers ... X was also a very visual band but, as the time went by, their look gradually evolved into something more normal, except for Hide who kept his pink hair and his wild clothes, personifying the Visual Kei, even in his solo career... So now, the X Japan's most charismatic leader Hide is dead, the singer Toshi has rejected music and joined a cult, the main composer Yoshiki has given up drumming but has become a producer (for Bon Jovi, for example), the bass player Haith and the guitar player Pata have definitely retired after brief solo careers... To conclude, everyone agrees that X, and then X Japan, really incarnated the Visual Kei movement from its beginning to its end. Moreover, none of the other Visual Kei bands, such as Luna Sea, has survived X's death...

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